Monday, May 22, 2006


The look

We were gone a lot yesterday, so Maggie spent quite a bit of time in her crate. We got home around 6:30, and she was her usual spunky self. But by about 8:30, she was like a different dog. I noticed her sitting in the family room, just staring off into space. I called her over and invited her onto the couch with me. But she couldn't make it. This is the dog who commonly launches herself and simultaneously has all four paws in the air as she heads for the couch, so I knew something was wrong.

I was concerned, but didn't want to overreact and rush to the vet. She went to be alone in her crate as J.P. and I watched TV in the other room. At one point, we heard a little wince/whimper, and that's when I decided to call the emergency vet. By this time it was 11:20, and they said we could bring her in or we could wait and see. After talking with them, we opted for the wait and see approach, and when she wasn't any better this morning I called our regular vet (whom she's never seen because she was fully vetted before we got her from the rescue six months ago).

The vet can't see her until he's out of surgery this afternoon, but I dropped her off this morning so they could observe her. More waiting. I hate it. Cross your fingers for her and for us—all I can think about is what happened last time our dog got sick.

UPDATE (4:00 PM): Mags is back home. She was her usual happy, chipper self for the vet, and the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her. So she's on a bland diet for the next few days in case it was something she ate. I'm not convinced that this is over, though—she was still having a hard time with the stairs when she got home. Thanks for your concern—I'll keep you posted!

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